Delaware is only #2!

In a ranking of the 50 states plus Washington, D.C., Delaware has the second highest number of consumer financial complaints per capita registered with the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. Delaware is second only to Washington, D.C. in this regrettable ranking.

The biggest complaint among consumers has to do with...

Delaware is only #2! Continue reading…

Improving Your Credit Report

Many people underestimate the effect of negative information on their credit report.  Clearing negative information is worth your time and effort because it can save money in interest on loans and credit cards.  Below are five ways in which to get bad debt information removed from your credit report.

Improving Your Credit Report Continue reading…
Social Security Freeze it Mary Higgins Law

Is Your Social Security Number Compromised? Then, “Freeze” It!

Identity theft is among the fastest growing crimes in the United States. In 2015 alone, more than 10 million Americans had their identities stolen and their financial information compromised.

Hackers have been successful in targeting financial institutions, retail companies from Target to Home Depot, and even government...

Is Your Social Security Number Compromised? Then, “Freeze” It! Continue reading…